Troop 39 is a Scout-led troop in Morris Plains for boys ages 11 to 17, where Scouts develop a foundation of leadership and collaboration skills that are carried forward as they move into adulthood. The Scouts, not the adults, plan what trips to take, choose their peer leaders, and make pivotal decisions about how the troop is run. Troop members are encouraged to earn merit badges in a variety of important life skills and are supported by the troop every step of the way.
Established in 1930, Troop 39 has developed and honored over 90 Eagle Scouts – the BSA’s highest and most coveted rank, which remains a nationally recognized achievement. As a Scout, our troop members learn valuable life skills through a strong program of outdoor and other interest-based pursuits coupled with community service and leadership. They enjoy traditional activities such as camping, canoeing, backpacking, and cooking over a fire that they build themselves. They also explore interests in the arts, science, and technology. But, most of all, they have FUN – as they’ve been doing for over 90 years!
The Boy Scouts of America mission is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
During the school year, Troop 39 meets on Monday evenings at the Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains to plan camping trips, community service events and learning required to earn rank advancement. Troop 39 belongs to the Fishawack District of Patriots' Path Council, Boy Scouts of America.
Troop 39 website:
Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains
400 Speedwell Avenue
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Do you know a girl aged 11 to 17 who’d enjoy Scouting? Troop 39 of Morris Plains is a male Scout troop, but Scouts BSA offers the same great program for girls through female troops in the area, such as Troop 1936 of Morristown. The first class of female Eagle Scouts was honored across the country in 2020. (Please note that Scouts BSA is a different program than Girl Scouts of USA.)